Has anybody else had a problem on the entry form entering your nationality ? The pull down menu is blank and it will not allow us to enter USA manually. any ideas ? All other information works as well as the pull down menus.
I need new glasses. Thanks islandgem. It worked now. Funny thing when I select the date it always select one day prior. Glitch or definitely need new glasses.
The date selection problem is a glitch. I had that same issue multiple times. Thought it was just me fat fingering it, but make sure you double check the date after selecting it. Definitely a problem with it.
Just filled in the form for our trip starting December 2. Lots of glitches, still but I got it completed and submitted. Also got an email confirmation. Now what? Do I need to print anything. How will this be used. How does it change the airline or arrival process? Just a black hole at this point!
We printed out the confirmation email. But didn't need it when we arrived. PJIA had plenty of staff and volunteers. It was a breeze!! Step in to kiose place both feet on the diagram insert passport smile and that's it!! No more stamp!! Then it's the dreaded waiting for the luggage! thirty minutes and we were the only plane in!!! SMH!!! Safe travels!!!
I posted this photo last week. This is what the immigration kiosk looks like. There are people at each kiosk helping. However, it does not even give you a printout.
Once you have put your passport in the immigration kiosk, it will tell you whether you go straight to the gate where your face is Analyzed or you go directly to an immigration officer.