We are late May, early June regulars (will be there again 6/4 - 6/14 this year). We still have school aged children, and so that time of year aligns with the start of summer vacation down here in Florida. During our early June trips over the years, we have encountered lots of other families on charter with their kids. So much so that it has been fairly crowded on many occasions. It won't be busy like peak season is, but recent years have been considerably busier than 10 years ago, in our experience.
The good news is that most all establishments are still open in June, and operating on "normal" hours. That said, I would still recommend calling ahead to make reservations at most (if not all) places you want to have dinner. Some places (Foxy's Taboo, B-Line, establishments in Little Harbor, JVD, and others) will close early or choose not to open for dinner if they don't have expected reservations.
Overall, though, we love this time of year. We have rarely had any weather-related issues, and the wind has consistently been a delightful 13-17 out of the East.
Have a fantastic time.