Welcome back! Glad you joined us on the bottom of the threads - World Wide Travel
Love the shots of the Azores. One of my favorite places in the world! However, my last visit was 1983.
I was still in the service and I got to go two or three times a year. It was like stepping back in time!
I will return... This time I will be with my bride who back then was home with the little ones.
Plus flying to the Azores in a C-130 is a LONGGGGGGGG ride.
I know I have changed…
![[Linked Image]](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-kt8wWVxrcTc/Xh-7Hr_3rmI/AAAAAAAAGWQ/EDUkBZvFjco4yHZ5dZKTq29rdU3O86cEwCLcBGAsYHQ/s1600/Azores1983-1.jpg)
My guess is the Azores have to… but not as much as me
![[Linked Image]](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-tEqRHH_V_Bo/Xh-7TsgniaI/AAAAAAAAGWU/nUIFRQitoD4U-588OG04Rdc9223NPT9qACLcBGAsYHQ/s1600/Azores1983-2.jpg)