Roast them! fantastic.
Slice into thin pcs., toss in a lil o.o., salt and pepper. Lay flat on baking sheet, put in 425 oven for 13 to 15 mins. you want to see carmelizing going on on the underside, remove from oven, lower temp to 350, add a sprikling of o.o., add red pepper flakes to your liking, a lil more S & P, some people add thin slices of fresh garlic, I use garlic powder, toss all together, then lay flat carmelized side up. Put back in oven for approx 10 more want carmelization on the bottom. Serve with fresh lemon wedges... SOOOO good!

NOTE: Veggies must be dry, dry, dry before roasting otherwise they steam, not roast. If I don't prepare the veggies in advance, after washing, I put them in the salad spinner and then pick up any remaining moisture with paper toweling.