After, a casino trip! What a bust, lost $10 but left with our dignity intact. Lol. Felt like a bubble boy in there, h-ll with that! No more with that until all of this covid sh-t is done. Folks are just plain stupid.
Here are a few pics of the meal and the casino (the pics of the casino, I took a little bit of heat) lol
Fox--I'm confused, Sublime has red lighting?? To me, it makes the food look unappetizing.
I'm surprised they let you take pictures at all in the casino, as I always thought that was verboten. I did wonder how they handled roulette. Doesn't look like they are requiring masks at the tables?
Yes red lighting, but oddly enough when your in there you don’t notice that the lights are red. When we took the pictures we just laughed.
Yes no pictures of the inside of the casino. I knew several folks on here have been asking about the conditions on the inside of the casino, so I just took some pics, they are still chasing me. Lol no you must wear masks inside the casino
The casino, not a fun environment to be in! Ditch the masks, ditch the plastic cubicles and go back to normal. But hey, its their island so not for me to say, just want be seeing us in there again
Thanks for posting these pixx of the casino. I'm a Roulette guy, this is not fun looking!! Hopefully in October when we are there these dividers will be down!!