Our best vacation ever. April 13th - 20th.
So much happened and I'll only hit the high spots.
First let me thank all of you from TTOL.
You helped in so many ways from Airplane info to car Rental.
This being my first report, go easy, I'm new.
The Esmeralda was top notch. We ended up with the same room as last year but with WAY better neighbors.
A great couple from California, Mark and Denise.
Since we share a pool, we were happy to find that they shared our attitude about swim wear. <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/Blush.gif" alt="" />
It rained twice while we were there. Beautiful rainbows and a refreshing change in temperature were the result. (See above)
Every day began with me heading down to the rocks at Coco's to watch the sun come up. Mellon, being away from our kids,
FINALLY got to "sleep in".
The sand at Orient Bay has made a complete recovery. The place was more incredible than we remembered it.
The first night we had pizza delivered as we were really tired from the flight. Fantastic. Thin crust and yummy.
The first full day had us meeting new friends by the "rocks" at Coco's Beach Bar's section.
Sonny and Libby were a riot, like Coco's own resident Comedians/Watchdogs.
They knew everything that was going on around us and had a commentary about it.
Joseph was his usual cheery, professional self.
"Something to drink, Sir ?" - we love him.
Have to Mention Matt and Karen, Ed and his wife from Ca. and Paul from who knows where.
We were becoming victims of "sand gravity"
when one of the island ladies who go around braiding hair
inquired of Maryellen if she'd like it done..
How long does it take ? "Oh Mum, about an hour and a half" she says.
THREE HOURS later, we're having lunch and this woman is STILL knotting up Mellons head!
During that time, we met another CHARMING couple from Rome going through the same thing.
She being from Brighton, England kept us entertained with continuous, and hysterical "Austin Powers" speak.
Nicki and Marco became our best St. Martin friends and we spent the remainder of our trip with them.
We don't blow a lot of money on eating out at Grand Case.
Our only trip there was to the "Fish Pot".
I had lamb chops and Mellon went with a shrimp + ? thing .
It was worth every penny.
Since we had a car (Kenny Car Rental came HIGHLY recommended and performed past his reputation),
we offered to take Nicki+Marco to explore Cupacoy with us.
I've been to a lot of nice beaches in this world, but Cupacoy was better than anything I've seen.
The water on the day we were there let you out when IT decided to.
It was like a warm "spin cycle" that deposited you up on a gentle slope of sand.
Being there was like a scene from "Swept Away".
I was taking a picture of Maryellen against the cliff face when a rogue wave crashed against the rock I was standing on,
sending a spray of salt water about 20 feet straight up.
I had no way of protecting my digital camera.
Water poured out of the tiny speaker hole, I knew it was toast.
We went into Phillipsburg and I bought an even better Canon digital for LESS money and it took the same memory chip.
Having gotten so much sun, we took the next day off
and went back to Phillipsburg to collect our "Bag 'o Swag" for all of the relatives back home watching our kids.
Our cat had a litter of 5 kittens while we were away,
my mother was a trooper dealing with that!
Speaking of cats, I know it's probably frowned on but I couldn't help but feed the feral cat meowing on our villa porch.
Saturday ? found us hooking up again with our friends for a trip to Pinel Island.
Fabulous lunch and a cool shark tooth neckless that I can't take off.
There's a path up the hill that goes to the far side of Pinel.
Oh man.
Rugged coral cliffs flowing into a gorgeous nearly deserted stretch of beach.
We took Italian lessons (how to count to ten) in a most impressive scene.
With the days winding down, we spent our time having drinks at Kon Tiki
and acting like a Japanese Tourist - MANY PICTURES.
The last night, our friends offered to make us an authentic Italian dinner at our villa as a send off.
Cabonerra something (sp?) - Pasta with Bacon ! Mellon has made it twice since we've been home.
It was outstanding.
Of course being an uncouth American type, the first thing I do is cut my pasta with my knife.
"JOHN JOHN JOHN !!!" Marco groans, than babbled something unintelligable in Italian.
Apparently you aren't supposed to cut speghetti. LOL.
Well when you step in it, dance...
I replied by informing him that as a representative of the Worlds only remaining superpower (America),
I'd be happy to heave him into our villas pool to cool off.
Well, thanks for reading (if you've gotten this far ).
The tan is fading but our love of St. Martin and the INCREDIBLE people we've met has not.
Thanks again TTOL for all of your help.
I'll be producing this high resolution, panoramic shot of Orient Bay that I took on the last morning.
It will be @ 4 feet wide and great for the cubicle bound.
Available soon at
www.HubCam.com for purchase or inquire at
jhubbard@designeps.comJohn and Maryellen
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