Yep, sure looks that way. More rocks exposed now as well.
As of 8:00am SXM time, it looks like just the outbound lane is open. Two cars just went out in that lane and now a car is driving in, using that lane as well.
You'd think cars would slow down. Just watched a car rush through and water plowed over to other side of road.
When I first looked at this cam and the other it was dark so I didn't realize one side of the road was sand. Must have been headlights of cars on opposite side of road that made those ghostly figures at end of runway.
Are there any plans for an alternative road to exit/enter that area at some point in time? Seems like people in Beacon Hill are often isolated, cut off because of sand and flooding---not to mention the traffic or stupid people who stand in the roadway and refuse to move out of a car's way because a plane is coming.
The runway is right up against the property of an entire road of homes in Beacon Hill. Also El Zafiro, the BSV property (shared fence and "road" ENDS at BSV)...then beach....then Karakter and Mary's Boon. No way to build a road out to Simpson Bay without taking homes and business. I'd rather be isolated in Beacon Hill and suffer minor inconvenience than have a road built.
"It is good to do nothing all day, and then to rest"