We went on safari last July, and one of the places we visited was Pilanesberg National Park, which is South Africa's 4th largest park and 550 square kilometers in size (or about 200 square miles) This park hosts all of the Big 5 African species - Leopard, Lion, Cape Buffalo, Rhino, and Elephant. We saw all of these except the leopard, and many other animals as well. We even saw a pack of African wild dogs chase down and kill an impala - the circle of life right there in front of us. Very rare thing to see. This park can be visited in a day from points near Johannesburg. We took tons of pictures and here are just a few.
You can learn more about the park here:
https://www.pilanesbergnationalpark.org/Here are a few pics from the trip...
Entrance gate of the park
![[Linked Image]](https://d28lcup14p4e72.cloudfront.net/13095/4331496/1_Pilanesberg_gate.jpg)
Walt and Barb with map of the park
![[Linked Image]](https://d28lcup14p4e72.cloudfront.net/13095/4331499/2_Pilanesberg_map.jpg)
Greater kudu bulls
![[Linked Image]](https://d28lcup14p4e72.cloudfront.net/13095/4331498/4_greater%20kudu.jpg)
A good burger can be had at the central rest stop in the park
![[Linked Image]](https://d28lcup14p4e72.cloudfront.net/13095/4331500/5_barb_and_burger.jpg)
Young kudu bull
![[Linked Image]](https://d28lcup14p4e72.cloudfront.net/13095/4331501/6_young_kudu_bull.jpg)
Burchell's zebra - common in South Africa. They have grey stripes between the black and white stripes.
![[Linked Image]](https://d28lcup14p4e72.cloudfront.net/13095/4331502/3_burchells%20zebra.jpg)
White Rhino. Our guide was getting a little nervous with this big boy only 20 feet from the vehicle
![[Linked Image]](https://d28lcup14p4e72.cloudfront.net/13095/4331503/7_rhino.jpg)
We drove to the top of a hill where we could see in all directions (safe from immediate predator attack) and got out of the vehicle for a minute to stretch our legs. Found some elephant "sign." Lolz.
![[Linked Image]](https://d28lcup14p4e72.cloudfront.net/13095/4331504/8_walt_and_elephant_sign.jpg)