Our group of four hopped aboard the 7am ferry on Sunday to catch the nonstop Liat flight to Grenada. Our flight was slightly late, but we made it to Grenada with most of the day to enjoy. Our hotel was fantastic – as always. Bel Air Plantation Resort in St. David’s.
We spent four relaxing nights here enjoying the amenities. On Sunday, our arrival day, we were treated to live entertainment in the restaurant/bar, Water’s Edge. Very enjoyable. We also spent some time at the nearby La Sagesse Nature Center enjoying the beach where we got married three years ago, and a wonderful lunch.
La Sagesse Nature Center This time at Bel Air, we did cook two of our four nights. I provided Susan, the owner, a list of items that I would need and she shopped prior to our arrival and had the villa stocked with food. Something that was greatly appreciated!
Sunday night we had dinner at Water’s Edge. The food was very good, and it was nice to once again see the restaurant staff. We had a delicious meal and wonderful drinks!
Monday we went into St. Georges, doing our shopping at the public market for spices, gifts and jewelry. After we were done, we wandered through the tunnel and had lunch at BB’s Crabback. This was our first visit there, and it was excellent! So much so that hubby and I visited another time during our stay. I can’t say enough about the food and the experience – it was excellent! We used to always go to Nutmeg on our in town trips, but Nutmeg has closed down. We have absolutely found a better alternative!
BB's Crabback
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