Hello all,
We are headed to VG next month and are looking to go to Anegada for a day trip. 4 adults and 1 10yo.
I thought Dive BVI had a day trip but when I checked their site, I couldn't find any info.
Anyone know of a local operator running day trips from VG to Anegada? Sail or power, doesn't really matter to us. I am more partial to sail boats, the men in the family group like power boats.
We would also be interested in any local air charters that do excursions.
The ferry is not an option. My husband is not a ferry person and he rather go with a smaller owner-operator whether that be a group excursion or private charter.
funny about our last Anegada visit -
We went to Anegada for the day last year for my birthday. The woman at Cow Wreck arranged for her father to take us on an island tour. One of our stops was to see his chicken operation.
The visit to see his chickens was by far the highlight of our 9 year old son's day.
In planning our upcoming trip, he asked me if we could go for a drive with the "chicken man" again

I am torn better granting his wish and just telling him he can see chickens/egg operations any time he wants at home.