To & From – Nonstop UA flights to and from Washington DC arrived 30 minutes early. Sunday departure from SXM without previously experienced security delay. Drive to Club Orient was highlighted by a new concrete road to the Club Orient turnoff!
Hotel Update Snapshots - [color:"blue"]Club Orient:[/color] All units now have free connection to their wireless network. The previously available hardwired or LAN connection will no longer work. Lower winter rates start December 26 and as currently offered, those may be coupled with a 10 percent discount for members of major nudist organizations. [color:"blue"]La Plantation:[/color] Renovations started last year have now been completed. Tennis court property has been acquired from the Esmeralda with future plans for a spa.
[color:"blue"]L’Hoste:[/color] Closure for major renovations scheduled for September. [color:"blue"]Cap-Caraibes & Caribbean Princess:[/color] New management imminent with plans to upgrade both properties. [color:"blue"]Green Cay Village:[/color] New staff with 9 of the 16 original villas under management. [color:"blue"]Palm Court:[/color] Single rate for all levels with rate reduction starting December 20. [color:"blue"]Alamanda & Esmeralda:[/color] No significant changes. [color:"blue"]St Tropez:[/color] Closed since last June and now undergoing major re-construction. Scuttlebutts suggest that first-level may be dedicated to shops with long-term rental apartments above - other rumors not withstanding.
Villas & Townhouses – Of those we represent for [color:"blue"]Fonica Cap-Caraibes[/color], the management agency has made a major effort to emphasized security measures. Expiration of favorable tax laws in 2010 is expected to result in many new properties being available for rental. That will likely result in a very competitive market. [color:"blue"]Fantasico:[/color] We joined Eric and Carol to re-inspected and meet with resident managers Mike and Peggy. This is an outstanding villa that we will represent for those who need deluxe 4- or 5-bedroom accommodations where there is a clothing option if so desired.
Dining – We were impressed with the improved service and quality at the [color:"blue"]Papagayo[/color]. Our spurge was at [color:"blue"]Café Plantation[/color] with a 2.6 pound lobster that we split between us – the largest Caribbean lobster I have seen at SXM. While enjoyable, our dinner at [color:"blue"]Cote Plages[/color] was a less than expected based on a previous visit. The most interesting was the new [color:"blue"]L’endroit[/color] dinner restaurant in the same location as the [color:"blue"]Bacchus[/color] (formerly known as Cave du Marigot). Both of these are in the Hope Estate located near the cutoff to the French Cul-de-Sac between Orient Beach and Marigot. Sandwiches and grocery items from the [color:"blue"]Club Orient Grocery[/color] and [color:"blue"]Tap-5[/color] kept our budget inline with the economy.
La Reserve Naturelle of St. Martin – You may have seen their signs in the Orient Bay area. Established 1998 for the protection and conservation of the environment, it lacked recognition and support until recently. The organization is now well established with a dedicated staff. We encourage all to visit their office at Anse Marcel where numerous brochures and maps are available. For related environmental issues, pick up a copy of the free magazine… [color:"blue"]Nature[/color].
Wind – In our more than 50 trips, we have never experience such windy conditions for an entire week. On the plus side, the winds widened the beach more than we have seen by Club Orient in recent years. An enjoyable time with pleasant visits with TTOL'ers.
For more information, post or email us.
...Jim (& Mary)