I think with 2 months to go before arriving in St.T again, I may have time to better research better maps of the islands.
I have a big fold out map of the islands, the usualy 2-3 versions handed out at airport or shops, but these maps are primarily for getting to main places.
Is there a source for improved maps of the islands? Many a time last January I'd be following the map on hand only to wind up on a dead end or going the wrong way in a narrow residential area. The best was being on the opposite side of the island following a road on the map, but the road/street name kept changing with no intersections. Finally came out on a main road, so we figured out where to go next, but the map didn't indicate the road would connect to the road we wound up on.
I think I've asked this question before, and the standard response is along the line of - there aren't better maps, one just has to learn the local roads and allow plenty of time for being lost.
Yes, I'm used to the usual, one has to get lost to find some of the places - but after one finds the place it will only take 2 tries to find it again, instead of 3 or 4.
Thanks for any assistance.