Left off Day 4 Weds when we came over on morning ferry from Anegada and retrieved daughter (TG) missing bag in Tortola.

Back onto next ferry to Virgin Gorda (VG) to stay at Guavaberry (GB) for the rest of the trip. For a change from the usual bucket o' bolts, this ferry is one of those clean new cats that Speedys runs. What a nice smooth fast ride.

Met at Spanish town dock by taxi driver that GB had arranged. He is a really nice guy named Shorn who chats us up and gives us his card in case we need a ride later as we won’t be getting a car til tomorrow. Since I forgot my CDs, I was going to look in Roadtown for local reggae hero Quito Rymer if we had done a little shopping, so I ask him about that, he suggests I try the music store at the yacht harbor.

Able to check in early, temporary for one night in 1 bedroom unit called Banyan pretty far up the GB property. Not only does Shorn give us ride in from the ferry, he waits as we check in and quickly pick a few items from the well stocked commissary and then takes us up to Banyan. That commissary cant be beat. Cruzan 750ml for $6, Santa Margaurita Pinot Grigio for $14, Carib for $1.45 each. (How come I only remember the prices of the booze items???)

GB has recently added a/c to some of their units and those cost $20/night more. We hadn’t asked for it, but both this unit and the next 2 bedroom we would be moved to had it and Tina (who runs things along with Val and Michelle) just told us to let them know if we ran it and only then would they add the extra $20. On the way up to Banyan, Michelle pointed out a few one night blooming cactus flowers that were likely to pop that night. Sure enough, we saw them later on. They have a distinct vanilla scent.

They are included in the photos here: http://picasaweb.google.com/jmackq/0806BVIAnegadaVG

We also saw them in 06: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jmq/sets/218911/

Drop bags, walk 12-15 min over to Mad Dog near Top of the Baths for lunch and liquid refreshments. Sandwiches made at the bar, eat out on the porch. The sandwich fillings were a lot skimpier than I remember, but who’s complaining?

Pretty hot after walk back, down to the GB beach, feels good to hit that magnificent water and lounge in the shade under the trees in the comfy GB beach chairs kept in a shed down by the beach.

Decide to stay down this end of VG for dinner, looks like it might be a good sunset, so decide to take a shot on the Mine Shaft, as views are good from there. Food had been disappointing when we went there in 06, but I had seen more positive comments here since.

Called number Shorn had given for cab pick up, I get into taxi and I didn’t recognize driver and say “where’s Shorn?” He says “I’m Shorn!” Well he and the girls had a big laugh over this, I protest that he had a different shirt on, and no hat and sunglasses like he did before. AMQ thinks maybe I had a few too many Cruzan, Ting and cranberry before we left – hey, why not, no driving for me tonight.

Mine Shaft deck does offer a good view, plus right as the sun sets, what seems like dozens of chickens gather under the big tree next to the deck and start a clumsy and noisy ascent up into the highest part of the tree. What a spectacle. Hostess says they are wild and don’t have a man made place to stay, so they roost up in the tree for the night to stay safe from predators. What must that place sound like at 5 AM?

We were in the mood for simple and got different variations of their jerk chicken wraps which were excellent, as well as the homemade potato salad and curly fries. We also enjoyed a nice sunset from the deck. Nice breezes too.

They call Shorn from the bar for pick up and when he gets out of cab, I say “where’s Shorn, what have you done with him?” He busted a gut over that one.

Day 5 Thurs Mahogany rental brings new Suzuki Jimmy right to our door. That’s nice. No more temporary BVI license for $10 needed either. Over to Baths, down path on far side of lot to go down to Devils Bay then thru the Baths in reverse.

Back to GB beach for quick cool off and nice conversation in water with German couple who was on a 3 week vacation. We pick his brain about European destinations. Our families think WE travel a lot (hey there is more to life than the Jersey shore or the Outer Banks), so it’s always interesting for us to talk to people who are REALLY well traveled.

Off for laundry mat and lunch at the Yacht Harbor. Great fish tacos and tuna wasabi sandwich at the Bath and Turtle.

Since I forgot my CDs, I am dying for some music of my choice in the car, so I go into the music store there to inquire about Quito Rymer CDs. Everybody I’ve talked to knows he has a new album out but you can’t get it anywhere. The store owner complains even he can’t get copies to sell, says I might not have even found it over in Roadtown, that the only place to get it (sometimes) is at Quitos Gazebo. And I think I’ve read here that ordering by mail thru his website can be iffy. Oh well. What else can he recommend? He plays me some samples and I wind up buying the new album by Richie Spice of Jamaica. It is really good.

Back to GB and they had transferred all our stuff into 2 bedroom unit Mango which has pretty good views. On way to beach, see small herd of fat cows walking down the road that splits the GB property with GB dogs Pearl and Soca running and barking after them. They don’t look like the skinny feral cows you see on Anegada. Tina rolls her eyes later about the nearby owners who are apparently not that vigilant about their gates. Down to beach, play with Soca and Pearl, snorkel, read, drink, repeat.

On way back to room, group of 4 people (3 women and an older gent) wave me down to ask which way to market at yacht harbor, how far was it to walk (I guess probably a good 25 min), how late it was open, and if they had fresh produce. They were French, just came in to GB, and were looking to stock up for breakfast. I said the GB commissary had stuff, but then realized they don’t want Rice Krispies, that they are used to going to market for fresh produce.

Since its getting late and it’s a long walk, I drop girls and give them a ride for which they profusely thank me. It’s quite the squeeze in the back seat of the Jimmy for the 3 women, Bucks was still open, and once they see much of the walk back to GB would be slightly uphill, I suggest a cab back. Good deed done for the day.

Dinner at Rock Café, we sit up by the waterfall, indifferent waiter, but good conch fritters, couple of great pasta dishes and a sliced steak with balsamic reduction, parm cheese, and roasted rosemary potatoes. Back at GB, chill under stars out on the deck.

Next up: dancin’ with the Jumbies.