We left Toronto at 7:00 a.m. and flew WestJet non-stop to PJIA. As soon as we left the terminal building, we found Lesley Bruce from Kenny’s Car Rental. This was the first time we had booked with Lesley and we were very impressed. All the good things that folks on this board say about him are true. He was there on time, with the promised vehicle, at the agreed-upon price (no extras, no haggling), very pleasant and professional. Within 10 minutes we were on our way.

Arrived at Mercure Simson Hotel for our cut-rate holiday and were given a duplex room with a view of the water. Great room, with loft bedroom and two bathrooms, which make getting up and getting ready to go out so much easier!

Our package included meals and drinks (and a free 3 day car rental which was not free at all – never mind, we had our car from Kenny’s). We did not intend to use the meal plan but decided we would have lunch at the hotel before we headed out to the grocery store to stock our kitchenette. Over lunch, met three people (first-timers in SXM) who had come down on our flight and offered them a quick tour of some places of interest if they wanted to ride to the grocery store with us. They did, as they had some shopping to do. Also met Fabrice (sp.), who told us he ran Boo Boo Jam. He was at the hotel having lunch with another passenger from our flight. She was on a return visit to see Fabrice.

Went to the Casino Royale later and lost $30.00.

Got up and had breakfast on our balcony, then took a drive around the island, to see what had changed. Stopped for a drink at Mr. Busby’s Beach Bar. Yikes! Nearly didn’t recognize the area. So much construction so close to the beach. Visited Jean at Le string on OB, told him we would be back for the day on Tuesday. Back at the hotel, decided we would have lunch (so much for not bothering with the hotel food, eh!) and attacked their buffet. Food was not bad except for the bar-b-que chicken which needed a whole lot more time on the grill. Met up with the 3 folks from the flight and sat and chatted to work off lunch. A fellow named Rudy came by and said he was a DJ at Bliss and invited us to go there. My husband and I are past the “Disco” stage but the other folks were interested and said they would go sometime. We all agreed to go to Casino Royale again that evening.

Made $20.00 in the Casino, then went to Cherie’s for drinks and a late snack. Our friends had never been to Cherie’s and found the show fascinating. It was a special Father’s Day show but, in reality, it was pretty much like all the other shows.


Went into Philipsburg to shop. After checking every jewellery store on Front Street, bought a pair of earrings for myself at Colombian Emeralds and a pair for my sister at Shopper’s Haven. They are a birthday gift for her. Also bought a Fossil bag. My husband bought some new sports shoes – some kind of Puma shoes with the laces off to one side. The store clerk told us these are the latest trend. Hmmm.

On the way back to the hotel, stopped for late lunch at Lee’s. I had the mahi-mahi – excellent – and my husband had the snapper. I didn’t taste his fish but suffice it to say that we went back again on Friday and he had the mahi-mahi this time.

Went to Atlantis Casino that night. I won $10.00 so now I’m even.

Went to Orient Beach and plopped ourselves down on the beds at Le string. Met one of the new owners, a fellow from Maryland, and his wife and daughter. Seems very nice and smart, too, as he has kept on Jean, the beach boy, who seems to have good contacts on the island to bring guests in. Both days that we were at Le String, the beds were full while Kontiki next door was empty.

Decided to track the fully unclothed people on the beach – don’t ask me why, I don’t know, just checking to see if there really are fewer naked people these days.
9:20 a.m. one female jogger, totally nude.
9:50 one male walking a dog, both totally nude.
2:40 p.m. one male totally nude accompanied by a woman who was topless.

That’s it – just three people for the entire day. I guess the cruise ships have won.

I decided to take a walk from one end of the beach to the other. I walked along towards Club Orient as we were thinking of going there for one day this trip. Not wanting to ruffle any feathers, I checked at the Perch to see if anyone would mind if I walked the beach clothed. I was told no one would mind, it was all about preference. I did find it odd that everyone at the Perch was fully dressed, in street clothes. A woman sitting having a drink made some comment to me about “having a peek”. I explained again that I did not want to upset anyone. She told me that she was on a tour and that she had been told “you gotta see this!” with regard to Club Orient. I must admit that this disturbed me a bit, to think that Club O was discussed this way on a bus tour.

Walked back along the beach in the other direction, as far as Boo Boo Jam, then back to Le String. Needed lunch and a drink after all that exercise.

Went back into town (P'burg) for something, can’t remember what, now. Then drove to Grand Case for lunch at Talk of the Town. Service was slow, slow, slow. This was partly due to the fact that they were very busy and partly due to the fact that the ladies working the tables and the grill were having an argument with the ladies behind the bar. The arguing back and forth took up valuable serving time. However, when the food arrived, it was excellent as always and good value for money.

Decided to go to Club Orient, big step for me who, in over 50 years on this planet, has never even been skinny-dipping. No one at the front gate, so we drove in, parked, and went to the Security office. A very nice fellow there told us to head out to the beach, find our chairs and the beach boys would come and see us. We did and they did.

Have to admit I did not feel uncomfortable sans clothing. I even went for a swim, which was very pleasant. I also have to say that the posters on this board who tell us that no one at Club O cares what you look like, what shape you are in or how you are groomed, are absolutely correct. No one pointed, gasped, giggled or laughed out right.

I must say that one thing struck me as different on Club O beach from the rest of OB. At Le String, for example, if someone comes and sits on the lounger beside yours, they will usually speak and get into some sort of conversation - where are you from? First time here? How do you like SXM? And so on. Not so, I found, at Club O. I think that people who were staying there and knew others who were staying there, were in conversation. However, folks who came and sat around where we were did not speak at all and gave us some odd looks when we spoke to them. Not sure what the protocol is.

Had lunch that day at Pedro’s as we weren’t sure what to expect at Papagayo’s.


Back to Le String. Again, it was busy while Kontiki was just about empty until a few people sat down there around 2:00 p.m. One fellow at Le String that day said he had been at Kontiki earlier in the week and found them to be a bit surly. Hey, guys! Can’t afford to be surly during the low season.

Stopped at Lee’s for a late lunch on the way back to the hotel. Mahi-mahi for both of us this time. Really, really good. Had to wait a while for it, but that’s O.K. At least I know then that they only cook it when I order it.

Back to the Casino that night, came out even.

Time to go home. Packed and headed to the airport. Stopped for a snack at a place in the food court there called Kaffe. They sold croissants from Zee Best. Wow! My husband had two ham and cheese and I had an almond croissant. To die for! Going to look for them again next time.

Met Lesley Bruce in the parking lot to give back the car. He was on time, no problems with the return and we were off. Thanks, Lesley, it was great doing business with you. We’ll see you next time!

A couple more things:
Weather: no rain to speak of during the day. A couple of heavy showers on two occasions in the evening, as we were getting ready to go out. It rained a bit, also, on Friday on OB but nothing that would make you run for cover. Sunny and hot all the time.

Traffic and roads: Saturday and Sunday had no problems getting around at all. Other days, it was slow going through Marigot as there was a lot of road construction underway there. We found parking with no problem both days in P’burg. However, I have to say that the new roundabout on Back Street, where the traffic light used to be, just makes things worse. Also, the roads around Marigot are the pits! We have a “Find the biggest pothole” contest every Spring where we live but the ones around Marigot put ours to shame. You could lose a Hummer in some of them! Also a bad spot for holes in the road is that area around The Cliff and The Rainbow-whatever construction, just up from Atlantis Casino. Holy cow! Couldn’t one of those construction teams have come out and put a few shovels full of cement into some of those craters? Please??

New foods: Found Carte d’Or Ice, cream rum and raisin flavour. Yummy. Also found Paradis Cream of coconut ice cream. Very tasty but only in small quantities as it was very rich and had some of the same qualities as castor oil.

No ice cream from the little French lady who used to sell it just outside Marigot, across from the cemetery. Her coconut ice cream was the best. Haven’t seen her for a while, though. Hoping she has made her millions and retired! Maybe I’ll learn to churn ice cream and take over that spot.

That’s it for this trip, except to say that it was very restful and I managed to read two huge books that I had been meaning to get to. Here’s to next time! Cheers!