Trip report XXXXdayXXX XXXoneXXX week one. Had planned to do a daily trip report; however, got caught up in a combination of island time and sand gravity. It is now week one and here goes a short report.
Flight was late departing DTW because of deicing. We would have missed our connection in MIA except the flight crews’ flight had been cancelled in DFW. They got in on a later flight and we departed MA almost two hours late. Made up some of the time in flight. The new terminal is great. The descriptions that others have posted are very accurate.
Had the Christmas Winds for the first few days and a little rain, neither of which hurt any of our plans. The weather turned wonderful yesterday! Blue Blue Blue sky, almost no clouds, and a light wind from the East. Spent the day at SSBB. We have never seen so many planes before.
The island is green. Traffic is not as bad as I expected. The beaches are great, Orient and Maho have lots of sand. Dining is as good as it always is. Great to be here. More later.
Regards, John