This is a video I made today. It is of a beautiful turtle that let us swim with him. I say let because once he decided, it took just a few seconds to ditch us. I was actually surprised how fast they can swim. Benures Bay had wonderful snorkeling again this year. Along with all of the nice corals and smaller fish we also saw a ray and three small sharks. I cannot tell you what kind of sharks as they were quite a distance below me and as soon as I saw them I swam off. I am all bravado when it comes to little fish and turtles but sharks of any size scare me. YouTube video Swimming with Turtle
A hawkesbill turtle...we have had them approach us and lead us around the reef's at many place's in the BVI. I have a lot of photo's, but no video's...thank you so much for posting this...can't wait to see them again...
Hawksbills seem kind if finicky. We've had them come over and swim with us, within 2-3 feet of us, and other times they will just swim away. They are incredibly fast when they decide to get out of dodge.
Last summer we were in Christmas Cove and swam with a Hawksbill for a long time. Maybe 30 minutes or more. Got lots of pictures and video with the GoPro.
Perhaps at Kelly's Cove near NE point of the Bight at Norman. Seems like a friendly Hawksbill is always swimming in the area, either at the dive site or back toward the moorings (which by the way, is excellent snorkeling). Oh, never mind, just noticed you said at Benures Bay on Norman.
Noel Hall "It is humbling indeed, to discover my own opinion is only correct less than 50% of the time."
We didn't see the turtle that hangs around Kelly Cove/Water Point this time but we did see some really nice corals and fish. The most memorable part of the snorkel for me were the deep crevices that you could swim through. Very neat! This picture is of my friend Jenny and a huge coral. A closeup of another beautiful coral we saw at Water Point.