hello, everyone!

decided on a last minute trip to the island...the wife, myself and the two toddlers.
it'll be quick...less than a week...but, better than nothing. number 10, too! double digits! woohoo.
<img src="http://www.traveltalkonline.com/forums/images/graemlins/Thumbsup.gif" alt="" />

hope no one minds an inquiry...

what's the mosquito situation? the year before last...that was the year the little guys were carrying...what was it? bah, can't remember. i don't mind them at all. i'm more curious if there have been any recent outbreaks of something new?

also, it seems every time we're heading over there's a new argument about what the *best* grocery store is.
we usually end up at most of them. grand marche, cost u less, etc just to round up whatever it is we need.

instead of what's the latest best...what's the latest *WORST* of the usual suspects?

can't wait to anonymously rub shoulders with everyone!
(that came out a bit creepier than i had intended. ha)
