We made it back late Tuesday night. Still digging out from under the email, US Mail, and gobs of other details. I did want to share some quick hits from the trip.
Cheryl, Billie Jo, and Lucian from Purple Pineapple were a blessing, our stay was amazing and they went the extra mile. Mr and Mrs Hodge and Paul from Rainbow Visions photography did a marvelous job with the ceremony. There were many tears shared between the two of us. Doug from Journey Spa and MJ from Healing Edge did a great couples massage for us (thanks Cheryl!) The usual litany of praise for the regular haunts that we can't miss.
We did hit a few places this year for the first time. We enjoyed the Kentucky Derby at the Tamarind Club, went to Happy Arrrr at Marina Cay, and found our way to L***** Bay and it was fabulous. Lots more highlights and details to come when I have time to write a full trip report this weekend.
Cheers especially to TTOL'ers Dave and Melanie who came down to witness the ceremony. Also Lisa and Roger, Rick and Belinda, and Mark, who we hung with the last few days. It was great meeting all you.
And most importantly, a HUGE public apology to DeniseR and Robby. We were supposed to meet them at Pink House on JVD on Mothers Day afternoon. We had a terrible time getting a taxi and couldn't make it over as planned. So sorry.
More later,