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02/11/2015 07:51 AM
Joined: Oct 2004
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Joined: Oct 2004
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Hearing that the anchorage in Christmas Cove is untenable. South wind and north swell. Pizza Pi moved to Great Bay in front of the Ritz Carlton this morning. S/V Mary Christine, http://www.facebook.com/wherethecoconutsgrow/, reported that their mooring parted between the sand screw and the mooring ball last night. They had rigged a secondary line to the sand screw and were able to reanchor. Cheers, RickG
Joined: Jun 2011
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Joined: Jun 2011
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I was in Christmas Cove on Sunday and very surprised at how many vessels have taken up living there on the moorings or anchored for weeks and months at a time - I asked a few of my friends who run daysail boats out of Red Hook and they told me that there are some boats on the same moorings that haven't moved since the summer hurricane season. Providing free moorings hasn't stopped the short term or long term anchoring either in this Area of Particular Concern which seems to have little if any supervision.
02/11/2015 08:56 AM
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Joined: Jul 2008
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Christmas Cove has always had liveaboards because it's a short dinghy ride to St Thomas and it feels secluded even when there are a dozen boats at anchor. I used to anchor there for weeks in the early 80's and beach my dinghy at the Anchorage Apartments. It still has that same feeling today.