We met up with Rosemary and Don for our last visit to Rendezvous who introduced us to the music one day at Mama's Pizza. We've made it a priority ever since. Even better they brought 2 small photo albums of their visits to the island when Front St was a dirt road. I love the learning about the history of the island that we missed out on. Thank you RonDon.
Then the music started and even though they may play songs that we have heard before, it's the interaction between musicians that keeps us coming back. Again I've tried to capture the emotions of the musicians in my pictures because of their joy of playing together, which is why I will need 2 posts to share my pictures. Sorry about that. I even had a little dance with WendyK who is always there and we consider her a friend.
I also had a woman come up to me after the show and said that I know that you are Whale Tail and we follow you all the time. She didn't say who she was and doesn't post, but that was special. Carol maybe it's time we talk

After the show Alfredo came over to talk with us and my wife said "I just love you" rock star infatuation

. I said to him that I just love your guitar playing and I have a guitar just like the one you played today but I don't know how to play it. He said he has lots of guitars and we could get together for an afternoon and he would teach me a few things. Great offer but I wouldn't embarrass myself infront of him.
Another memorable day on island.