Hey all,
So as I've been re-planning a visit in June, I just noticed that there is a limited street view on Google Maps for the island. Its limited, but its something, right?

As I clicked around, it looks like it may have been independently submitted and accepted by Google and the date is January 2025 so its recent.

It looks like it runs from the Sixt on Airport Road, down to Welfare, then turns to Brouwer, then Bush, then Zagersgut, then Illidge, then crossing to the French Side on that main road going through Orleans Quarter, then turning by CulDeSac towards the airport, down Hollande thru Marigot, connecting to the Causeway bridge then reconnecting to the Sixt. Its a decent loop with some good street views.

I recall seeing one from 2019 in the Airport/Maho section, but this new view is cool.