jimnjudy said:
Our first trip to SXM we just happened to explore the lane running at an angle off the main highway and on that lane a few small shops, the remains of a restaurant destroyed by a previous hurricane (now rebuilt as a creperie) and Bernadine and her little rum shack. We too were impressed by her devotion to animals in need and the fact that she has devoted all her free time and any money she has to looking after and finding homes and vet care for strays. In biblical times Bernadine would have been a Sainte but in today's times she is a woman on a mission who badly needs help. We urge all of you to spread the word about Bernadine..patronize her business and donate to her cause of looking after neglected animals. At a time when man is senselessly butchering fellow man a lady like Bernadine, who sees the bigger picture needs to be helped and supported...by all of us...in any way we can.
Please...spread the word. We desperately need many more like Bernadine on this troubled planet.
I SO agree. She is a wonderful woman, and we make it a point to purchase all of our (considerable) ma Dou Dou from her, in addition to her wonderful spices. I also bring her cinnamon bush from my parents house which she loves. Breakfast at paradise view, followed by shopping with Bernadine equals the best way to spend a morning in SXM.