Any info on new restaurants in Grand Case? All searches found old info including places that have closed.
Has anything opened where Piazza Pascal used to be? How about where Le Bistronome was?
Based on Jazzgirls description we may try JAVA. A definite repeat for us will be La Berge Gourmand. Toss up between Bistro Caribes & Le Cottage. Used to love La Villa but since Christoph & Florence no longer run it I've removed it from our list based only on price increases.
We were at La Villa last night, Food was good and the service was excellent, there was not an empty seat in the house by 6:30. There is a restaurant that opened where Pascual was, can't recall the name, We ate there a few years ago, and did not think it was as good, though a small sample size. Quay 58 is newish - we had appetizers there last year and it was quite good. Not sure how long since you have last been back, but Calmos is now reopened.
Don't check La Villa off your list. It is still wonderful. Other than Florence doing other things, the same people are there. Les Oliviers was in where Piazza Pascal was, but they were closed, I think for good, last October. We did enjoy it very much the previous 2 years, though. I don't think anything is in yet where Le Bistronome was. You might want to try Le Ti Coin Creole. Not a new restaurant, but newly re-opened last fall. It had been closed and in the process of being rebuilt since Irma. Chef Carl Phillips has done a wonderful job with it. I think we ate there 3 times last October.
Last edited by pony600; 02/17/202502:23 PM.
If life hands you a lemon, just squeeze it on a lobster!
We had a great meal at Calmos Cafe one evening. Probably the best meal we had on island in two weeks. Calmos is not new, but they are relatively new given they were knocked out by the hurricane and took some time to get rebuilt. Our table was down at the water and the atmosphere was excellent too.
A place outside of Grand Case we went to at the top of the hill in Orient Bay was Rancho Del Sol. The worst meal I have had in 10 years anywhere. The atmosphere and service was great. The fish, not edible. Other offerings there were good.
Thanks Pony for mentioning Ti Coin. I had already added it to our list as a lunch stop since we have only a few days staying at GCBC. Spoke with Carl last visit and he said he was up and ready to go. His smile is infectious! And thanks to barryvabeach's report I may add La Villa back to our four nights of decadent dining.