I doubt you're going to get many words out of me this trip, but I can still post some pix, mostly of food as the sunsets are blocked by Point Cruzer this time of the year. The building shots are the new, improved restaurant/bar/sportsdesk. The upstairs is still a work-in-process.
Last edited by cruzer; 01/20/202508:49 AM. Reason: never mind
The restaurant is the newly reconstructed Ti Coin Creole in Grand Case and the renovations are of Grand Case Beach Club. The rooms and pool are not part of this.
The new bar and deck are delayed until Q2. They are working on it quietly now to minimize noise during the high season. I'll try adding labels tomorrow. I have difficulty with the software, so avoidance tends to win out. But, I agree with you.
I think Champagne Bistro its in a mini shopping center in Cole Bay next to a liquor store which, I believe is the same owner as the restaurant. Great food but no view.
Jazzgal, there are 2 simultaneous projects. The first was the downstairs, old bar, kitchen, restaurant, and sports desk renovation. The kitchen had been in temporary quarters since Irma, and was unusable due to, I believe, construction (contractor related) defects and had to be replaced. This place has now been restored to its former glory, although much more modern looking. The uncompleted part is the totally new upstairs bar and seating area and is adjacent to the swimming pool. The intent is to use it for weddings/events on occasion, and most times for the general public for sunset (5-8pm) viewing, and hotel guests the rest of the day.
I hope this clarifies some things for you.
ETA: picture this as a 2 story complex, with the old facilities on the ground level, and the new facilities on the top level.