Although I’ve never chartered with IYC, a good friend had his IP465 in IYC’s maintenance rotation for many years. He was very good friends with Skip and Andrea and berthed his boat at Red Hook. I sailed on his boat many times and it was in Bristol condition. Everything I’ve ever heard about IYC is first rate.
Sadly Skip passed away in July, but Andrea is carrying on. When my wife and I started thinking about eventually living aboard, Skip tried to talk me into putting an Island Packet with IYC to help with financing the new boat. When I convinced him we wanted a catamaran, but would likely put her in charter, he highly recommended TMM. Skip said in his early career in the charter industry he and Barney Crook (managing partner at TMM) were fierce competitors. He told me no one in the business takes better care of their boats than Barney and he wouldn’t place a catamaran in charter with anyone else. Skip was spot on.
Final note: I helped Skip and Andrea at the Annapolis boat show one year and stayed with them in a rental house that week. They were great and clearly loved what they were doing. At the time my friend’s IP465 was several years old, had transited between Norfolk and St. Thomas several times, and had cruised extensively in the Caribbean. Skip and Andrea used it as their “show boat” as they were also IP dealers. Everyone who stepped onboard thought she was a brand new boat! IYC really knows how to care for a boat.
Last edited by OceanSong; 12/09/2024 08:27 AM.