We are departing STT for Charlotte (then on to San Diego) on a Sunday morning in April. Does the 3 hour rule still apply? Is STT as big a mess as it has always been? We will be checking luggage but we have Pre-TSA and Global Entry.
Former St. John resident, I traveled out of STT six times last year. With Global Entry and Pre-TSA, I can get through the full line to my gate in 30 minutes. Boarding begins 45-60 minutes before departure, and can load early if the incoming plane is early. I give myself 2 hours before flight departure.
What time is your departure from STT. The line starts to build rapidly around noon. If your flight is at 1 pm two hours will be fine. If it’s a 3PM I would allow a bit more time. With Global entry and precheck your limiting factor is Americans 90 minute cutoff for checked bags. If it looks like the baggage line might put you into the 90 minute rule grab a porter ASAP!
Our flight departs STT at 12:35pm. So we would plan to get to the airport around 10:00 or 10:30am. There is a Roadtown Fast Ferry that departs at 7:30am and arrives into Charlotte Amelie at 8:30am. Seems like that would be a perfect connection...