How reliable is getting a ball through Boatyball that time of year? I keep reading that odds are not good to get one at 7am each day. Is the $ 579.00 for a weeks of advanced reservations worth the cost? Being that Christmas in July is on 7/25 this year and not knowing when and how big the Puerto Rican Navy will get there or where they will all be staying I don't want to get caught without a mooring. I have reserved a couple different moorings at BEYC but looking to secure some other locations like Cooper Island, Cane Garden Bay and someplace on Jost for some of the other nights. Any advise?
@Instigator - I don't think it is worth it. Normal mooring balls will be available during that time, as it is no longer high season.
Many anchorages have great holding close to the mooring fields; and anchoring is free. I prefer to spend that money at the bar and restaurant rather than trust those moorings.
Good to know. I guess I may have a false sense of security being on a ball rather than having to worry about dragging an anchor especially if we are ashore. Last time we chartered in BVI was after Irma and we had the place to ourselves but that may have been because it was after Irma too. I am looking into anchoring apps where I can set a geo fence on a tablet that will be left onboard and get alerts on my phone if the boat made ves outside the set area. Any advise on this ?
I use one on hook or ball...Anchor Pro for me. And still sleep on the Kitchen dinette to have a semi watch...
I still dont think you will need to anchor. I do back down slightly to test and dive check the ball. We went right after Irma well and that was something else
Check for north swells and know where you are if they are around
That is kind of what I was thinking. Just worried about the extra traffic from the Puerto Rican Navy being there for Xmas in July. I usually test and check the mooring Balls as well.