singbeach--I would like to make a suggestion that you re-read your posts before you post them, as many of them, like this one, do not make much sense. I assume there is a question there somewhere, but it's kind of hard to find.
The weather is going to be very strange starting tonight at about 03:00. The winds are currently already coming from an odd direction at SE approaching SSE. But they will clock around and be coming from the west tonight, albeit at only about 5Kn. But there will be a powerful base north swell coming in tomorrow afternoon that will give all the beaches some surf (it is only 0.7m high, but with a 14second period there's a lot of energy in the waves). It might give us some sargassum on beaches that are usually spared. And it is going to be bumper-boats in the anchorage and lagoon tonight.