Yup, 11:30 to 12:30, now 3:06...once plane arrives from San Francisco! Hoping to arrive early evening, be able to get rental car, be able to get into BSV! What can ya do!
Glad you have arrived. An FYI if you plan on going shopping today (Sunday) many of the large stores like Carrefour and Super U have limited hours and close early.
Thanks erb923 for heads up...we do need to get few groceries. Went to Tortuga last niight and really liked the food/cocktails! Whew again! Water is rought and my new knee won't handle .... so pool day, but may have to drive down!!
It has always puzzled me why people don't bring broken or missing issues to management so the next person doesn't have to deal with it. We have the same issues at Flamingo but when we notice something that obviously needs fixing all it takes is a call and it's taken care of.
It has always puzzled me why people don't bring broken or missing issues to management so the next person doesn't have to deal with it. We have the same issues at Flamingo but when we notice something that obviously needs fixing all it takes is a call and it's taken care of.
We DID bring the issue as well as many others to Vikki's attention. I'm sure nothing happened as with all our other issues and that sing beach is telling them now. Wonder if it will get fixed.
We didn't even see Vikki upon check in, Marty, the maid had to find him. Every time we went to office about a problem or question we couldn't find him. When check out he was nowhere to be found so we left the key.
It is our opinion only that the Mascaren's should look for another manager before more than just the handyman quits. And, yes Scubaman we will report all to the higher-ups. So you won't have to tell us to report it as you previously did.
RonDon...I remember reading a post re the step over/down to deck. Hope i can go up/down stairs okay w/new knee too. Guess we should tell re lock, but he was showing me, he could do it, i could not, my husband gets it sometimes. Wonder why the other slider don't work? damn!
RonDon...I remember reading a post re the step over/down to deck. Hope i can go up/down stairs okay w/new knee too. Guess we should tell re lock, but he was showing me, he could do it, i could not, my husband gets it sometimes. Wonder why the other slider don't work? damn!
I know. I had thought maybe another exit would not have that narrow tile strip so it would be easier but no such luck. While bedroom sider does open, there's no screen.
What I hated most was that the curtain doesn't go all way to left end due to the closeness of the A/C unit ( must have been replaced after) and lets in light. When large boat was docked outside their lights kept me from sleeping. Next time I'll bring eye shade, like I did in Alaska, incase that problem exits in other units.
Sounds like those units need some serious maintenance and upgrading. No screens on the sliders could be a health risk with Dengue if sliders are left open.
I guess this got way off track from JET BLUE. We have been traveling around the Caribbean and SXM for decades and it was obvious that maintenance and upkeep on the Islands is not the same as in the USA. Unless it affects my comfort , like no A/C or the plumbing is working properly I could care less if the facet drips or minor things. I read a funny article about the few people that go on vacation and do a property inspection of their hotel , room and grounds. Like nit picky people. Just goes to show how different people are looking or reviewing the exact same thing , hotel, food or otherwise. We are happy to just enjoy the beach and SXM views.
Probably not but things like that should be taken care of for the people that do stay there and expect everything in full working order prior to arrival. No excuse for poor maintenance or management.
Lighten up, Scuba. It’s the Caribbean and not the height of world accommodations.
Bedrooms are air conditioned st BSV. I never once in all our stays have opened the bedroom slider in the unit we stay in and I couldn’t even tell you if there’s a screen.
A broken lock would trouble me. For about five minutes. If we’re there the unit is generally wide open, front door and rear sliders, even if we’re at the pool, and when we go out we always use the white sticks in the slider tracks. The only time we really lock up tight is when we go to bed at night. Assuming we remember to…….
I know everyone has a different way of looking at things but I really don’t sweat the small stuff. If there were no locks or screens or the plumbing backed up or wasn’t working, those things would upset me. I tend to view the small things as trivial and let them go. But that’s me. I love being right on the beach and will deal with trivia as just that.
"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them."
Pat--We used to open the bedroom door to the deck, but no more. Just too lazy. We leave the sticks in the bedroom doors all the time. The sticks are MUCH better locks than the door locks anyway. If the toilet doesn't work or the a/c doesn't work, that's a big deal. We've had a problem with a toilet one time in all our trips, I think. Otherwise, it's all small stuff.
We also don’t get too hung up on rental cars. I always tell our agent that an older and lovingly used car that is mechanically sound is fine with us but please, no brand new pristine dent and blemish-free chariot and if it gets dusty or dirty, we’re going home soon and I know it will be spotless for the next renter.
To me, life is just too short to get all hung up on trivial matters. But that’s just me…..
"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them."
Pat. I guess I have higher standards. When I pay for accommodations at a resort I expect it to be all ready to go. If not I give them a reasonable time to fix it. Sounds like this place doesn't or ignores it. That's all.