I apologize if this is a repetitive question but is there something going on with the Sunset WebCam? I have been trying to get on it for days with different computers and different different browsers and I can’t seem to see any video at all. Thanks.
Everything about the Sunset has gone downhill since they started catering to the cruiseships. They make their money in a couple of hours mid-day and really don't seem to care about anything else. Too bad such a great location is going to waste. There are so few places to eat beside the water, and this one sits empty when it's not being overrun by the crisers. Try the new webam on the roof of the Tortuga https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtzkkAeW_Qg
I checked the webcam this morning and the countdown goes down to one and then the live video stays on for a second, then goes back to counting down again.
I don't think it will be back. We still go there at least twice each visit. The food has been very good & the service friendly & fast. This new webcam is the best! Maho Beach Live on YouTube. When we aren't watching a show we leave it on the screen it's much nicer than looking at a giant black screen!
The new MAHO Beach WebCam from a camera mounted on a pole above Tortuga restaurant is the best. This is a photo of the WebCam on the pole above Tortuga.
The Sunset Beach Bar WebCam will be back eventually. I don’t think it’s a priority for them. This is a quick screenshot from it this morning in between glitches.