Units at 14 are beautiful I’m sure but they could have built further back and somewhat away from the beach and had equally gorgeous photos from those elevations without ruining the beachfront and making it look like any other developed beach. Our idea of a Caribbean island retreat is apparently much different than the developers.
"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them."
Pat-I think it wouldn't matter where those buildings are on island, they are just too darned tall. I really hope they are built well, because I remember the Cliff had some serious structural issues after Irma. And for the record, I think the Cliff is too tall also... Miami Beach on SXM..
I have always thought nothing, from Rainbow to the Cliff and now including 14 should have been built in that area. Years ago, I’m talking in the 80s, it was said nothing taller than the original Mullet Bay buildings would be the gauge for what might be built in that area. I guess it was Immediately before an island election season we heard this and we know what happens at election season. I do know I would be very concerned staying high up in those buildings given the islands fire fighting equipment and the roads leading there. 😧😧
"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them."
Yes, I agree on all counts. I would have included Rainbow in my previous note, but was thinking at the time that it's not that much taller than Sapphire, which has been there a long time, I think. I was never inside the Towers, but not sure how many floors it has?
The Towers was eight and a half stories, the half being the upstairs rooms of the penthouse floor. The difference IMHO was that it was perched on the edge of the lagoon - or aka Mullet Pond? - and it didn’t interfere with those picturesque cliff views. If you didn’t know it was there you could easily miss it completely, at least from that angle.
I would have included the Sapphire but I couldn’t remember if it was before or after the Rainbow. I also don’t much care for the mall but that’s just me.
Last edited by pat; 12/07/202303:37 PM.
"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them."