We have a wildlife rescue here in Georgia for local wildlife and exotics and love visiting other similar places while traveling to get ideas on things done well. Any chance anyone knows of something similar in the BVIs? I found a marine one on St Thomas but marine does not apply to us as much (although might still visit if it looks like a reputable place). Thanks yall!
I have a wildlife rehabilitation facility in Florida and just attended a seminar where I met a great group from the St. John Wildlife rehabilitation. They are based on the Island of St. John in the USVI however if memory serves me they reach out to other islands as well. They brought a lot to the table and I think they’d be worth contacting- Thanks for what you do!!
There used to be a rescue/rehab facility on Anegada focusing on the endangered Anegada iguana. I'm not seeing anything current on Google for it, so it may no longer exist.....
There used to be a rescue/rehab facility on Anegada focusing on the endangered Anegada iguana. I'm not seeing anything current on Google for it, so it may no longer exist.....
The Anegada Rock Iguana Sanctuary indeed still exists.
Oil Nut Bay also has an animal rescue park consisting of 2 horses, 4 emus, and a plethora of red belly tortoises and rescue island kitties
We’ll be at the ONB marina next weekend. Are there any hard to attain or necessary supplies, supplements, etc. we can bring to assist with the animals care?