we took that route on WinAIr some years ago for a side-trip to the BVIs...getting to Tortola wasn't a problem, but returning to SXM a few days later was an experience...after a couple hours delay, we finally boarded the flight, and after a long time we eventually taxied to the runway...but then the engine quit

...pilot literally had to help tow the plane with a rope back to the terminal

it was mid evening by this time, and we were told they had to order a part for the plane which would arrive the following morning...WinAir got us a room back in town, and provided transportation to get us back to the airport the following morning...but after arriving at EIS the next morning we found out there would be another several hours delay...we asked if we could leave our luggage there, and wound up catching a small boat to nearby Marina Cay where we enjoyed a few hours at a beach bar
we eventually made our way back to the airport to experience more delays...the new plan was to get as many of us as possible on that evening's normally scheduled flight, with preference rightfully so to those that had previous reservations for that flight...it was like a lottery...we all huddled in a group while they started calling names of those that would get on the flight...they actually called my wife's name a passenger or two before mine

.....anyway, we eventually made it back to SXM that night
would we take WinAIr to EIS again? heck yeah!