We have 2 couples that are going to SXM one day before the rest of our group arrives . They are staying at Mary Boon for that one day . I was wondering , are you able to go topless on that beach? Thank you. Jeff_C
If your motto is ; If at first you don't succeed...... Maybe it would be best not to try sky diving !
Simpson Bay, Dutch side, protocol would indicate NO! Having stayed on Simpson Bay beach many times, I have not seen much of it. I spent a day at Mary's Boon beach last month and did not see any topless then.
Jeff--SXM isn't Anguilla, and there are no 'clothing police' anywhere on the island. If your friends decide to go topless, it's unlikely anyone would say anything, but they may be the only ones.
I could personally care less about topless bathers but in all honesty, I don’t ever recall seeing many and with the exception of a few French girls last fall, I’ve never seen anyone naked unless they were changing from swim suits to street clothes and that is something we’ve seen a lot of. And this only at the beach and not resort pools tonthe best of my recollection.
"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them."
And if the ladies wants free drinks , they can get at Sunset Beach Bar too , even though they dont have it listed like before but they will honor the Topless ladies lol enjoy.
And if the ladies wants free drinks , they can get at Sunset Beach Bar too , even though they dont have it listed like before but they will honor the Topless ladies lol enjoy.
And if the ladies wants free drinks , they can get at Sunset Beach Bar too , even though they dont have it listed like before but they will honor the Topless ladies lol enjoy.
We stay there very often and topless is not common but ok. Sundays you do get a lot of French day visitors so topless is more often then. It is a great fun beach and we don't really go to many other places than Marys Boob.
Sa la vie Bro , me and my Wife Shirley has traveled a lot of places in America and had great times , Ny, Las Vegas etc and how time flies , , I will be 65 in June and I dont have to prove nothing to anyone . Now its' just Baby Zion Ira So and Elijah Elvis Bruce .
And we will continue our good humble life in this World and enjoy it to the max. Good food is our main top focus when we decide to eat out . Toronto here I come next Thursday and our Son lives closes to China Town walking distance to get good food . No beef lol ! Tonight went to our personal friend restaurant Sale and Pepe and had a big bowl of Fresh Mussles and Mahi Mahi steam wrapped .Wow . Love the good life . No hard feelings people. And last part , our late Brother Lennxox Conrad Bruce on his 50 Birthday took me pass Tiger Woods place in Florida and Lennox had owned his home close to Tiger Woods . Yes life .
Lol , thanks very much and I do walk a lot . And Kenya told me that this week is okay and next week back to some cold ugh but will walk with proper clothing .
Jeff_C - This may or may not answer your question. My wife and I have been walking Simpson Bay Beach almost everyday from one end to the other end for the past 2 weeks. Today she found this sea shell, I think it answers your question But seriously we have seen topless almost every day. No Biggie. Enjoy yourself.
I asked staff at Mary Boon, they said no problem. I didn't wear a top in or out of water, and there was another without a top. No issue with other guests at all.