Has anyone been on the other side of Pinel recently? I’m curious if there’s any issues with creeps or bushwhackers? I did read about a guy with a camera hidden in a folded magazine, but that was years ago. My wife and I will be on the French side next week, and may want to escape the crowds of high season. Our last trip, happy bay was not the best. Petite cays might be a bit too far to hike. I’ve heard very little about Pinel.. thanks!
We were on the other side of Pinel this past April and did not have any issues with "creeps or bushwhackers " in fact we were all alone occasionally seeing other people from a distance. It was a Tuesday when we were there and all the tables and beach chairs were all in use so we had a couple of drinks and then went exploring the other side. Very different and naturally rugged, unfortunately with a fair amount of washed up pollution from the Atlantic. We found a few sea shells and saw a few fire pits scattered about. Very peaceful and quiet compared to the party crowds just a few minutes walk away.
The last time I was there was about 25 years ago. Then-wife and I were laying naked in the sun. And from the bushes emerged not local creepers, but a teen-age girl and her grandmother. Likely on a cruise excursion to Pinel. They were shocked, and I'm sure we were the subject of conversation at dinner that night. And at the lunch table a week later at school!
We have kayaked over there a couple years ago and spent the day a free as we pleased. Only other person that showed up was a guy in a small rubber raft who beached it- set up a chair and read his newspaper free as a bird. We have also hiked from the ferry side and spent the day as we pleased. Very few people go there, you won't have a problem.