Greetings all...
Does anyone have any *current* info on the ciguatera toxin in the local fish? The most recent info I can find is over a year old.
How serious of a problem is it actually? The news reports (again, well over a year old) make it sound so dire. Is it still recommended not to consume reef fish?
With an upcoming BVI visit rapidly approaching, and perhaps engaging in a bit of casual inshore/beach fishing at various stops, do I need to be worried about grilling up a fish? Especially after reading that if a person should happen to get a touch of the illness,
alcohol consumption could make symptoms worse. Oh my, say isn't so... <laugh>
Thanks folks, this will be my first visit to the BVI, and as a result I have discovered TTOL. Such a great resource! My thanks to all. Not only have so many of my first-timer questions been answered by simply perusing this BVI forum, I have discovered questions (and answers) that I didn't even know I had!

Thanks again for all your contributions...