Last night was really something - the worst I have seen on SXM by far. Thunder, lightning, heavy rain, and winds so strong I was concerned about the glass in the sliders in my unit. TV went in and out all night, mostly out. It was not a night to be out. It started dying down around midnight, but it was a long night of extremely active weather.
Friday night the rain and wind were very strong more than several times during the overnight. Luckily we were indoors when it started a d except for a minor surge on tv power we had TV and WiFi.
It was quite a night here at The Belair. Lots of wind and thunder and lightning. We were up early and we're fascinated to see the bay filled with birds. Hundreds of Pelicans even more Frigatebirds criss-crossing the sky and diving in the water. Amazing to see. We also saw an Osprey right over our head, first time ever on the island.
Some good sun this morning but now the squalls are coming in.
It was very strong at the Villas at Simpson Bay. After the World Series I went out on the balcony and watched to lightning and the boat’s rocking in the bay and glad I wasn’t on them. Today started out very windy and some strong downpours. I did not snorkel as waves were to high and there would be no viability. I took some pictures during my walk. I will post some of the waves and Steve Jobs boat in the bay after dinner at the yacht club. Several of the pictures with sprays 6-8 feet over the rocks and the white caps did not take well. Dinner at yacht club was good got there early and got 3 apps. for $30, I had grouper fingers, coconut shrimp and carpaccio for my meal. Our friend also did the 3apps and the ladies had pork tenderloin and my wife had grouper fingers and a salad. We stayed to listen to the music. Bob
Last edited by bobbarb; 11/06/202209:34 PM. Reason: More information and pictures
I’m sure! We had thought about going to Bar Code but the thought was fleeting. Once we got out of Beacon Hill we had no problems heading to Marks Place and as is so often the case, we were surprised at the debris that had washed down the hillside and into the road.
"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them."
We went through it. I saw that trench as it was being dug. They marked it with yellow tape, etc. If people drove off the road, that is their stupidity.
"It is good to do nothing all day, and then to rest"