And guess who just moved to the Tampa area (Clearwater) a month ago. That's right, my wife Cleta & I. Undecided what to do, so we'll follow our neighbors' lead. There's a Copmmunity Center here that's safer, or we could hop in the car (full tank) and go somewhere for a day or two. Beautiful today, though.
Biturbo--the forecast is looking a lot better for Tampa this morning than it was on Friday. My feeling is that your biggest problem there may be flooding. Definitely do check with your neighbors about whether it floods in your area or not. Some places it floods with even garden variety rainstorms. As of now, looks to be a direct hit on the big bend area.
Thanks, Carol, as FL newbies we're gleaning everything we can from the veterans. BTW, even in PA & NJ we've had some weather-related events. Hurricanes Sandy & Ida were very damaging. No matter where Ian makes landfall, we're sure to have some effects. The maintenance man came around this morning and dropped our metal awnings. Fingers crossed, at least we're not in a flood zone.
Biturbo--Do you have awnings on all your windows? If so, that's great. Surprised they put them down already, considering they are not calling for it to be anywhere in Florida until Wednesday, at the earliest.
Only on South & West sides (it's a rental). The house we're buying is still not completed - long story. We sold our house in PA, so renting or homeless were our options.
Mandatory evacuation tomorrow for our zone. Yet we've talked to some people who plan to stay. We have friends on the other coast who have offered to let us stay in their house (they're not there). A bit of a drive, but with rooms hard to find, we're accepting.
My family is heading out and I suggest all who can get away from this unusual Hurricane to do the same. It is so unpredictable that even the local authorities can not predict the outcome of this system.
We drove east to our friends' house in Port St. Lucie. What should have taken 3 hours took 5. And not long after arriving we were under a tornado warning. Welcome to FL. But it looks as if practically all of the state will feel some impact. Stay safe Carol & Eric, and everyone else down here.
Biturbo--Yes, tornadoes can be a big issue, separate from the hurricane winds. Hopefully only a cat 1 by the time it gets here, but the eye is scheduled to go within 20 miles of here. Really hoping we have no damage, but figure we will probably lose power.