They had already eliminated testing for day trippers, which made no sense to me. Ride the same ferry, but only test if you're staying longer and spending more money.
They had already eliminated testing for day trippers, which made no sense to me. Ride the same ferry, but only test if you're staying longer and spending more money.
actually, it does make sense for here or at least it feels normal for here.
Last edited by JasonHelmbrecht; 07/14/202201:22 PM.
I am not seeing anything "official" on this. In STT now and heading over on Sunday--I will provide an update.
It's a government Press Release from Ministry of Health & Social Development. How much more "official" do you want? Why don't you sign up to view the Gazette (legal documents) and post them yourself?
It sounds like they have gone back to the way it used to be, pre covid that is. People will be reporting on this soon and I'm waiting to hear what they have to say.
It sounds like they have gone back to the way it used to be, pre covid that is. People will be reporting on this soon and I'm waiting to hear what they have to say.
Yes - back to pre-Covid. All you need is a pasport (and money).
Yess, finally the news I want to hear! Wish it was announced before June would have been going here instead of Jamaica . . . Anyway still fantastic news, can't wait to plan
Yess, finally the news I want to hear! Wish it was announced before June would have been going here instead of Jamaica . . . Anyway still fantastic news, can't wait to plan
This is what I found. It clearly states international travel to USVI (as in from BVI) still requires negative covid test. Seems there’s still too much confusion on requirements. Love to have someone prove me wrong.
Your article is from May 27, 2022. Protocols for the USVI changed June 1, 2022. This is from the USVI travel portal (as posted by Jason above)...
All domestic travelers and international travelers are no longer required to complete the following to travel to the USVI:
All travelers are no longer required to complete the USVI Travel Screening Portal or present an approved green QR code to travel to the USVI. All travelers are no longer required to provide a negative COVID test result to travel to the USVI. All travelers are no longer required to provide proof of COVID vaccination to travel to the USVI. Please refer to the CDC requirements for domestic travel and the CDC requirements for international travel to stay up to date on the current travel requirements for the United States.
If you then click on the CDC requirement link for international travel it says this...
As of 12:01AM ET on June 12, 2022, CDC will no longer require air passengers traveling from a foreign country to the United States to show a negative COVID-19 viral test or documentation of recovery from COVID-19 before they board their flight.
I would trust the information above over an online article but if you want to play it safe you can always bring the eMed proctored Binax Now tests with you.
I just received an email from Native Son stating negative covid test is still required to go from BVI to St Thomas. No test, no ticket,,, granted there are posted articles saying you don’t need tested but at 7am in the morning I don’t want to be turned down for my ticket because of current confusions.
"I wish people would at least try, and notice the amount of posts that Jason has, everyone here knows that he posts only information he is sure about."
Well said. Jason is not being paid to help us travelers, and yet he does with no hesitations. Even the multiple PM's I've sent him. Thank you Jason.
Jason is the gold source here..and I am glad to also call him a good friend. I planned to stop by the ferry dock this am to get it "from the horses mouth" but the place was a zoo.. I am certain that the official news from the USVI is correct and that the ferry companies just havent updated their websites ( pretty common down here).BTW..lovely day down here and I;m off to lunch hazving paid my overdue property tax!
Jason is the gold source here..and I am glad to also call him a good friend. I planned to stop by the ferry dock this am to get it "from the horses mouth" but the place was a zoo.. I am certain that the official news from the USVI is correct and that the ferry companies just havent updated their websites ( pretty common down here).BTW..lovely day down here and I;m off to lunch hazving paid my overdue property tax!
Agree 100%. Jason is the gold source. Safe travels, Mal. Clear skies and nice weather here in Norcal.
Thanks Jason, What was confusing was this morning Native Son emailed me (not their website) saying tests were still required to take the ferry from BVI to St Thomas. They DID just email me again confirming it's no longer required. I just didn't want to show up at the ferry dock to find out tests were still needed. Looks like I owe a few drinks when I get down August 3rd. Look for Star Gazer,,,,,, I'll have Painkillers waiting....... It will be nice not having to deal with testing anymore.