So, each day here seems to be getting slower, and that's just fine with me. Monday turned out to be pretty boring, so decided to wait and post Tuesday's notes at the same time. Tuesday seemed about the same..
I actually slept in until 8 on Monday, and then enjoyed a ham and cheese quiche from Le Suciere, along with a mimosa and coffee. Yum!!
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Today was a little clearer day than the past several, and it was good to see the colors come back in the water again, as we hung out here.
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I have read through two books, so went down to replenish my stock at the lending library here a
t Beachside. It was hot as HADES this morning though, as there was very little breeze. We hung out at the house and did pretty much nothing until around noontime, when we headed over to Orient.
We arrived at LeString around 12:40 and the restaurant was pretty empty.
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We could see tons of seaweed out in the water, and a big pile where they had raked, so it's apparently been pretty bad over there. Here at BSV, we haven't had ANY seaweed at all. I have generally been up by when they usually rake here and they haven't even had to rake. The wind was blowing a gale on Orient, so we moved our table to a less windy location. By the time we left around 2, the restaurant was almost full.
I settled on the hanger steak with fries
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and Eric ordered the red snapper with a lovely sauce and buttery rice.
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Eric really enjoyed his meal. My steak was a tad over cooked, but the French Fries were a 4.5 on a scale of 5 and really lovely. Hot, greasy, lovely. We ordered a favorite rose for the beach for us, the Emotion Cote de Provence, which we managed to finish without any problem.
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Despite a herculean effort, I did not finish the fries or the steak, so no dessert for me.
After lunch, we checked out the Leader Price and scored a $3 bottle of champagne for mimosas and some water and some other stuff. Another stop in the Super U at Hope Estate for some wine and back home to while away the afternoon doing nothing. Leftover pizza for dinner followed up by some chocolate creme filled creme puffs wound up a successful day of doing nothing.
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So of course the only way to top such a day is to be in bed by 9 PM.
Tuesday was breakfast at home again, which is our norm here. This morning we enjoyed lovely croissants from Le Suciere and coffee.
I made a dent in book #3 for the week, we headed out to check out the Sandbar, by the Morgan Resort. We had looked at the cruise schedule wrong and thought there wasn't a ship in until tomorrow, but we could certainly tell that was wrong, as soon as we saw the beach, which was PACKED. It turns out one of the big Royal Caribbean ships was in. If we had known there was a ship in, we wouldn't have gone there, but truthfully we saw almost no one that appeared to be ship people at the Sandbar.
The menu at Sandbar seems to be exactly the same as online, which we so far this trip, we have found to be the exception, rather than the rule.
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The layout of the Sandbar is interesting, in that you don't see the planes there , considering it is so close to Sunset. So I guess that's why the cruise ship crowd doesn't go there. Tuesday is Taco Tuesday there (3 tacos for $10), but it's not till 5 o'clock or so. The regular price for tacos is only $4, so not much different. They have live music there several nights a week, so we may go back for music later.
Here is the view from our table.
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Eric got the fish and chips
and I ordered the coconut shrimp.
Both were pretty good, for bar food.
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The service, unfortunately, was terrible. The bartender (and owner?) was hustling, but the young girl server was pretty useless. Hopefully there have more or better help in the evenings when they have live music, as they were NOT busy.
We enjoyed seeing this French bulldog, who perhaps belongs to someone affiliated with Sunset, as the owner was wearing a Sunset shirt. I won't hold that against the Frenchie though, as "Bella" was extremely cute.
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So, back "home", and I went to take a dip in the pool and enjoy my mojito times two

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and my book out by the gazebo. The gazebo at BSV is my "happy place".
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Earlier in the week, the pool was overrun with about 3 families travelling together, staying in 3 different units, so I was happy to be able to enjoy it in solitude.
There were two ships in the day we arrived, but had been none since then, and not another until next week sometime. It's odd there are so few ships this year, as we always see several ships in. So we did watch the ship leave
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and the cooked steak on the grill for dinner, and had another early night. Life is rough.