I’ve been reading about the 6 months left on passport expiration for travel back to the US. I will be a couple of days short. Anyone have an answer about requirements to return
Absolutely incorrect. Your passport just needs to be valid at the time you re-enter the US.
There are SOME countries, like Anguilla, I believe, that your passport needs to be valid for six months after your visit, but if you don't plan on leaving the island at all, then you don't need to worry about that at all.
Have you actually come back to US when less than six months expiration? I read on St. Maarten government site that they want to see 3 months left when entering. I’ve been driving myself crazy because I’ve been reading different things. Thanks
It's on the US passport website. I don't know what is says on the St Maarten government website, but whatever it says is irrelevant. What matters is what the US government says, with regard to re-entry into the US.
I just returned from the BVI to the US with less than 2 months remaining on my passport. I will be flying down to BVI again in a couple of weeks and returning to the US with only 16 days remains on my passport. I was assured that there would be no issues as long as I was traveling prior to passport expiration.
If it is a US passport and you are using it for entry into the United States, as long as it is valid, than it will be accepted by Immigration. (Date validity is if you are entering the country at least one day prior to your date of expiration as printed on your passport)