For many years we have got a takeout pizza from a restaurant in Orient Village. It was a very nice thin crust pizza perfect for two people. Does anyone know the brand of the little packets of chili oil they give you with the pizza? I would like to try and find it in the U.S.
Not sure if it's the same restaurant or not, but check out this trip report (Quite a wonderful trip report overall, thanks beans!!), which mentions some chili oil from BO Pizza and has a picture of the sauce packets. No idea if you can get them in the US or not.
Thank you Carol. I don't believe that is the same oil, or at least the packaging is different. I haven't been back in three years and I do not remember Bo's pizza. Maybe it is new. The restaurant that we got pizza from may have been Le Piment but I am not positive but it was a nice sit down restaurant in the village.
OK, I remembered seeing that report and thought there was a chance it is the same one. You might try to see if you can find that brand here and try it anyway.
Ben--that's the same one that I referred to, but the original poster said he thought it was a different restaurant, not Bo's Pizza and he said that package didn't look the same. See his above reply.
Carol, Bo's is the only one I know of on the strip of shops in Orient Village but you're right it could've been any of the restaurants in the square that serve pizza. I grabbed a handful of packets when I was there but haven't tried it.
Make your own. 1 cup Vegetable oil (EVOO), 3 Tablespoons crushed pepper, Salt (optional) . Bring to a simmer and simmer 5 minutes. Cool to room temp and your ready to go
Ben--I have no idea what restaurant it was, but the original poster seemed to think it was not Bo's.
If it was in the village square, Le Piment was the one for pizza
I am pretty sure it was le Piment. It was a very good thin crust pizza and I really like the spicy oil and want to buy some. I will be there tomorrow and check it out.