Hi everyone,
Just wanted to give my experience in completing the EHAS application and getting approval. I submitted my husbands and my application yesterday around 11:30am. We both received the acknowledgement that our applications were received and in review about 10 minutes after I submitted them. My husbands was approved about 5 minutes after that. Mine took about two hours even though we have separate emails. After 2 hours I
sent an email to the contact information on the website just to inquire if they had received my application. Within about 15 minutes after that I received my approval. I noticed last night around 10:30pm that I received a very nice reply from the contact person who said she apologized and that my application was approved but it did not go through and sent me another copy....At any rate...we are approved and will be there Saturday!!!

Just wanted to share my experience. Doesn't hurt to send an email of inquiry after a few hours if you have not gotten approval!