Anyone have any update on the GEBE issues with regards to bill payments. They had a ransom ware attach several weeks ago and their website is still down. We pay our bill via WIB, no funds have been requested by GEBE. Any information would be helpful. Thanks
Not for now , however try calling them and ask their account and then you can send some money via your U.S Bank account . We do this to Amex via Jeffrey Morgan .
Not for now , however try calling them and ask their account and then you can send some money via your U.S Bank account . We do this to Amex via Jeffrey Morgan .
What changed in the banking rules that you cannot get a local account? We had a local account and didn't live there. Just owned there. Rental deposited in it. Paid local bills out of it. Long time ago. Guess rules changed?
We have a local bank account with WIB and do not live on the island. We do own a condo. We had to provide a copy of our deed and other doc's . You can wire transfer money to WIB and pay GEBE to their direct account . You would need to provide your GEBE account number to WIB. The GEBE account number is for US funds 407302-11. Please call WIB for their wire transfer instructions.