My wife and I were having breakfast at the yacht club early this week when a lady approached selling raffle tickets for the Junior Sailing Program so we gladly bought 5 tickets for $20. So the raffle was to be this Saturday and we thought we would return and have something to eat and a few cocktails. There were lots of prizes and with the silent auction they raised thousand of dollars for their cause. Now they called out numbers for hours and we couldn't win anything.....until the end. Well I won 2nd place prize. Wait for it. I won a 4 day course to get my license to operate a power boat under 15 metres long which is 49.21 ft from the Maritime School of the West Indies including a VHF course thrown in. This prize is valued at $800.00 US. Now first prize was a 2 night stay at La Samana valued at $2500.00 US. Dam. Now I find this prize pretty funny considering that along time ago I was a Production Foreman for a major sail boat company and built a 30' sailboat for myself while there and am licensed to operate pleasure craft in Ontario. This course should be a breeze LOL. Since I have no use for this prize I'm thinking of donating it back to SMYC and maybe they know some young sailor who would jump at this chance. But 2 eggs Benedict and 4 Caesars for us would be nice.
Thank you. We hope to make someone happy by donating the prize, will stop by SMYC on Monday to see what we can do with it. Yes we met David on one of our Simpson Bay walks, sorry we missed meeting you as I believe that was your Mary Boon day. Thank you David for showing us your villa and being so friendly. We are going to stay at BSV at some point just haven't figured out our next vacation while we are still trying to cram everything in on this one. Great trip report.
What a very nice thing to have happen and then to play it forward makes it even that much nicer. Iām sure some lucky boat lover will ultimately be very happy. šš
"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them."
We wanted to stop by for the raffle, but got a late start!! Hope they did well. I won a couple of years ago before the virus. Wish I had donated mine, because we were leaving.
I wish they made it easier to purchase the raffle tickets online, I would have bought some as they are for a pretty good cause in my opinion. I bid on two items in the silent auction and I think I won one of them, waiting for confirmation.
If I am correct for those that don't know, the money raised would go to the youth sailing school which can be seen at times there at the Yacht Club.
We stopped by SMYC this morning to see the manager and talked to her about donating my prize to a deserving local youth and I emphasized that I didn't want the prize to be given to someone who had parents that could afford the $800 course. She said the commodore would be the best person to know what to do and tonight is their annual general meeting and that she would inform him of my offer. I left her my e-mail address and hope to hear something tomorrow.
That is a really great thing that you are doing!!! It was a pleasure to meet you and Mrs. Whale Tail!! Her earrings were equally as cool as your necklace!! Must have been fun at Karacters as I was looking for you on your return trip back to Beacon Hill via Beachside Villa's!! Who knows? We could be neighbors at BSV one year!! Contact Tracy at: