Well, we’re finally making it down to SXM after having to cancel in January. We’re coming down with a small group of 4 and a couple of us are going to grab a cab with the luggage while the guys grab the rental car. How much should it be for two of us to take a cab to the very endpoint in Beacon hill? We’re staying at the Ocean’s Edge condo complex if that helps. TIA!
I would say maybe $20. It's pretty darn close to the airport, but they will have to go pretty slow. Shouldn't be much for the cab ride The location looks nice. The style of the condo isn't my personal style, but the views of the sunset should be amazing! Enjoy!
Canadiancutie: I have used https://www.bestpricetaxisxm.com a few times in the past and most recently at the end of February. From my experience, they were very responsive to email, prompt scheduled pick-ups and friendly service. I would not hesitate to use them again.
7 dollars for the first 2 passengers and than $5 per additional passenger. (published rates). If you are taking the men's bags with you than you should account for them in your pricing.
We've had a couple take a taxi from the airport to over by Mary's Boon and they're always charged $10 with bags and they give a $20 so that the taxi takes just them and isn't looking for additional fares. Their trip is a comparable distance to what your ride would be. it is a quick turnaround for the taxi.
Thanks for the info everyone. I just want this trip to go as smoothly as possible. This is a big trip for a couple of my friends and I just want to make sure everything is covered. ❤️