Hi there, I am certain I have seen some photos of this hike many years ago, but can someone who has done it share some information on hiking the road from white bay up beginning west and then north ....(not the hike/road from Great Harbor to White Bay and vice/versa but the other way around).
From pictures, it looks like you get rewarded with some amazing views of white bay, but I have no idea how long it takes to hike and return to town.
Is it best to hike around and then down the road to Rudy's? OR is it worth continuing on all the way down to the Little Harbor area 'T' in the road?
I am certain I could get a taxi for this...but would prefer to walk/hike some of it.
Hi there, I am certain I have seen some photos of this hike many years ago, but can someone who has done it share some information on hiking the road from white bay up beginning west and then north ....(not the hike/road from Great Harbor to White Bay and vice/versa but the other way around).
From pictures, it looks like you get rewarded with some amazing views of white bay, but I have no idea how long it takes to hike and return to town.
Is it best to hike around and then down the road to Rudy's? OR is it worth continuing on all the way down to the Little Harbor area 'T' in the road?
I am certain I could get a taxi for this...but would prefer to walk/hike some of it.
Will be following as I also would love to hike something similar.
Captain Ward got a brainy idea to climb the hill one morning we were anchored in Great Harbour. Made it to the top but rocky and not advisable , especially if too many rum drinks the night before .
Yes you can just walk on the paved road west and up. Steep but doable and probably 20 or 30 minutes up to where you have some nice views. For the last few years we have hiked over the top from Diamond Cay to White Bay. Steep ups and downs. Takes a few hours and you need to take water because it is hot. The views are awesome. The reward at the end is usually some cold drinks and lunch at Hendos. Then a cab ride back to the boat at the other end of the island.
Yes you can just walk on the paved road west and up. Steep but doable and probably 20 or 30 minutes up to where you have some nice views. For the last few years we have hiked over the top from Diamond Cay to White Bay. Steep ups and downs. Takes a few hours and you need to take water because it is hot. The views are awesome. The reward at the end is usually some cold drinks and lunch at Hendos. Then a cab ride back to the boat at the other end of the island.
We try and do the hike every time we are at Whites/Great harbour for at least two nights. Basically second what Knotthead has said. We leave at about 9ish and head up the paved road which eventually turns into more of a road for Jeeps etc. We hike over to Diamond and have lunch at Taboo and then go to the Bubbly Pool. Cab back. We have done it at least 6 times and are still can't get enough of the views. Couple hours for sure and yup, take water.
Take more water than you think you'll need, if you head up the hill from Great Harbour you'll have drunk much of it by the time you get to the top of the hill. If you intend on just hiking and not stopping or taking detours then you can do the walk in about 2 hours. The views are well worth it! I have some pictures and video of the view embedded in a little Jost video I made
Back in the old days before tourism, Jost was known as a farm island providing crops and animals for market in St Thomas. There were basically two careers on Jost - Farmers lived up in the hills and tended sheep and cows, and fishermen lived in Great and Little Harbour. There was a cattle dip behind where the current clinic is located, and cattle were loaded onto sloops on the shoreline out past Foxy's. From there they were sailed to the waterfront in Charlotte Amalie.
Back in the old days before tourism, Jost was known as a farm island providing crops and animals for market in St Thomas. There were basically two careers on Jost - Farmers lived up in the hills and tended sheep and cows, and fishermen lived in Great and Little Harbour. There was a cattle dip behind where the current clinic is located, and cattle were loaded onto sloops on the shoreline out past Foxy's. From there they were sailed to the waterfront in Charlotte Amalie.
Just love hearing all the history behind these magical places ..thanks for sharing .
A few years ago I was very fortunate to purchase this great little read directly from George himself ! Autographed copy with flint and all ! So interesting to read about his adventures .
Back in the old days before tourism, Jost was known as a farm island providing crops and animals for market in St Thomas. There were basically two careers on Jost - Farmers lived up in the hills and tended sheep and cows, and fishermen lived in Great and Little Harbour. There was a cattle dip behind where the current clinic is located, and cattle were loaded onto sloops on the shoreline out past Foxy's. From there they were sailed to the waterfront in Charlotte Amalie.
Just love hearing all the history behind these magical places ..thanks for sharing .
A few years ago I was very fortunate to purchase this great little read directly from George himself ! Autographed copy with flint and all ! So interesting to read about his adventures .