Does anyone know what happens if you test positive for COVID at the end or your trip, prior to departing from the BVI? We will be flying from St. Thomas back to the United States. How long do you have to stay back and where do you quarantine?
Does anyone know what happens if you test positive for COVID at the end or your trip, prior to departing from the BVI? We will be flying from St. Thomas back to the United States. How long do you have to stay back and where do you quarantine?
You will receive quarantine instructions from Health Services when you test positive. Generally, they try to retest you within 2 or 3 days to make sure it's not a false positive. You will need to secure you're own Gold Seal Approved quarantine accommodations that will be paid by your insurance. If you test positive a 2nd time, they will probably wait 7 days to retest.
Thank you very much for the info. Guess will have to do a lot of praying that we don't catch covid will were here, don't think my boss would like me to take a month off of work, Maybe I won't have to worry about going back to work.
We took antigen at YVD on Thur morn 12/9. One positive . When returned to Moorings, Dr. came and antigen tested everyone (just one positive), quarantined ship and everyone, contacted Health Dept. Next day they were to come for PCR testing, but the negatives from YVD already has USVI entry permit (green QR) from day before. Came next morning and let all negatives depart on Fri. The positive was PCR tested by health official Fri afternoon and moved to the Mooring overnight hotel and still remains there today Wed 12/15 & days after arriving) . Downside is our fellow boater is in total limbo with no definitive info from Health officials. They do not seem to be very clear on a declared protocol. The conflict (from afar) seems to be BVI requiring PCR negative vs USVI require for antigen negative. One of our (all-vax) group returned and tested positive to PCR 2 days after negative antigen test. Moorings has been very helpful, but they are also frustrated.
Take aways. Although everyone entering BVI is tested (most vax) the virus is present. We when visiting all the popular bars and restaurants, it pays to observe the same precautions used in US. When taking re-entry antigen test, if positive, take it again.
We when visiting all the popular bars and restaurants, it pays to observe the same precautions used in US. When taking re-entry antigen test, if positive, take it again.
Great advise!!
Just an observation - there is a very obvious number of visitors ignoring the local health protocols, specifically masks. When I sit and observe the entries into places like Quito's, about 10% of the tourists are wearing masks and most walk right past the hand sanitizer and temperature check.
I'm begging everyone, please wear your masks and follow all the local rules. We've worked too hard to risk another outbreak and have the entry protocols increase again!
Last edited by JasonHelmbrecht; 12/15/202104:42 PM.
I guess best way is to Emed for sure as if positive (false) you can take again without reporting. In hindsight I probably would have brought more than 8 down for the 4 of us just in case. I assume for land based it would just be whomever is positive would have to stay. We have ran into multiple groups searching for extra Emed tests as they couldn't get enough before they came down. That might be the best gift to pay it forward with this year...
To Jason's great PSA I would say the number is less than 10% on JVD. There have been 2 cruise ships in White Bay over the last 4 day but they seem to stay at the west end of the Bay in the set up there
Agree with Bailau - on JVD masks were pretty scarce early December (we moored there for 5 nights). Those cruise ships are an eyesore and we avoid interacting with their passengers. We stayed mostly on the Ivan’s end of the bay.
I have “invested” heavily in emed tests. We plan to bring more than we need with us first week in Jan just in case and will leave the extras on island. Hopefully Omnicron doesn’t change our ability to get back down there…..cases seem to be surging and many universities are locking up….protocols can change on a dime. We are going to be extra careful between now and Jan 2.
The Mooring got a doctor to come onboard as soon as we returned to harbor after our capt report to base that we had a positive emed antigen test on board. Dr. tested everyone, still just the one positive, but indicated they would be back tomorrow to PCR test everyone. We raise objection by showing our approved USVI entry permit. Next day Mooring official came onboard and said the negatives could all leave, but the positive would have stay on board for PCR test at noon. The problem could have developed that the antigen positive could have tested negative on PCR but we would have already gone by water taxi. It would have been okay for us since no one was flying out of St Thomas until next day, but if you were catching a flight same day as returning you would have missed flight.
If I could get out of our Charter without losing everything I would in a heartbeat this is 3rd time because of covid trying to get there, personally I have had enough of this.
i hear you my friend...but once you are here it is incredible. The place looks so much better since Irma and visually on par with pre-Irma...I can see you haven't been here since pre Irma. The people are just as welcoming and desperately need your business.
It was so much harder to get here in June and of course with my perfect timing (sarcasm) we were literally the last people to get a full brain nasal PCR test. At that point I had to get the boat for 14 days in case 1 of 8 people tested positive.
Not having an entry test is huge. At least if something happens in the states you aren't stuck here with nothing to show for it.
As Jason just cleared my misunderstanding the test to leave is a 1 day test and not 24 hour so I plan to do the day before when i wake up at 5am. Bring extra Emed tests
As always the helpful people on this site make it so much easier and take the place of a really disorganized government undeserving of the good people of the BVI
Followup to saga of testing negative on return. Our fellow charterer (out of 6) was released today after 10 days in quarantine even though he never passed the PCR test. Health Minster issued certificate as "medically recovered" which allowed him to return (today) to St Thomas. Lesson we have ascertained is take plenty of antigen tests and test several days before return day, so you will know your situation before taking re-entry test, and always retake if you get a positive. because (based on our experience), once it is reported you are in for a 10 day quarantine .
Followup to saga of testing negative on return. Our fellow charterer (out of 6) was released today after 10 days in quarantine even though he never passed the PCR test. Health Minster issued certificate as "medically recovered" which allowed him to return (today) to St Thomas. Lesson we have ascertained is take plenty of antigen tests and test several days before return day, so you will know your situation before taking re-entry test, and always retake if you get a positive. because (based on our experience), once it is reported you are in for a 10 day quarantine .
Wow. What an experience. Thanks for sharing the details!
Wow is right we can't afford to take the chance of being quarantined that long we cancelled or charter. Not going back until all this Covic crap is gone. Thanks for all the replies Merry Christmas
I think big key is to bring lots of antigen tests and do it yourself as opposed to having doctor do which then gets reported to avoid false positive issue as you can keep retaking Emed tests
Here's a different version of the positive test story. Guest leaving today took a PCR test yesterday (as required for Anguilla). Result came back as positive this morning but the lab said they'd retest as soon as possible today.
When Health Service got involved to issue the quarantine order, they reviewed the results and determine the amount of virus present was not significant enough to warrant a quarantine. They indicated the guest was probably positive over the last 2 weeks but would be considered recovered. Guest was released to travel as scheduled today.
Was somewhat reassuring to know that a real person was reviewing results and making reasonable decisions.
You might consider rebooking for late May or June when virus issues should be reduced as normally (like the flu) warmer weather leads to less contagion, at least that is what we have done. Plus can be less crowded. Hopefully by then two shots and a booster will be considered fully vaccinated. I think testing will remain a requirement, but am in agreement that bringing sufficient quantity of BinaxNow tests will make returning easiest.
That is good news. I think the problem at the moment is the extremely rapid rise in cases means that for a sailboat charter it’s very possible someone will test positive either going or coming and that creates all kinds of issues. I had a trip planned on 31 Jan. We are reconsidering. Will wait two more weeks to make a final decision hoping this burns out.
George - that is possible but of course has been during the entire pandemic. We (hopefully!) arrive soon. I secured good travel insurance and upped the quarantine coverage (we only traveled with our GeoBlue health insurance last two trips) in case we have to move off our boat and quarantine at a villa or hotel at the end of the sail period. Hopefully it will burn out fast.
It has been a issue with all the trips however in the past being vaccinated tilted the odds heavily in your favor. That is no longer the case and I have never had so many people I know test positive. The good news is in every case I know with my friends they only had only mild cold symptoms. The one person who was really sick had the flu not covid.