Don’t shoot me as I’m sure this question has been asked and answered a zillion times but the rules keep changing. We arrive in BVI early May 2022 so rules could still change but as of late Nov 2021, if you properly check out of BVI and into USVI (yes, I’ve used the app checking in) can you re-enter BVI without quarantine? Two vaccinated adults (with break through COVID).
Should be no problem since quarantine is not required now to enter the BVI if vaccinated. If however you are talking about taking a charterboat over to the USVI for a few days that’s currently not allowed. The roam app is currently not allowed for USVI entry but regardless charter boats are not being allowed.
Argh. Yes, charter. Hopefully by May…. Spent two nights in Maho Bay in 2019. Beautiful. Spectacular. Missed it in May this year due to the quarantine. Want to go back.