Is there anywhere on Tortola we can rent or buy a railing mounted gas BBQ?
Why are all the BBQs on BVI charter boats charcoal? Charcoal is a pain the .. Our preferred way to cook on the boat is on the BBQ, verses being stuck down in the galley. With gas, it is ready to cook in a few minutes. Seems a whole lot safer too, I've seen some crazy fires coming out of BBQs, trying heat up those charcoals.
We have been sailing the BVI for 10 years and have never had an issue with using charcoal except for the occasional time when the breeze hinders getting the charcoal light. When we bought our first cat it had a gas grill and the problem was a good breeze would blow out the flame so we switched to charcoal.
I also don't understand why Moorings doesn't provide gas grills. The plumbing is already there. Charcoal is nice, but takes a long long time for a hot clean grill.